Tear Sac Inflammations

The lacrimal sac is located at the junction of the root of the nose and the inner corner of the eye. Under normal conditions, the lacrimal sac acts like a water pump and transfers the tears towards the nose. That’s why our noses run when we cry. When the duct of the lacrimal sac opening to the nose is blocked, tears cannot be opened into the nose due to the obstruction of the tear ducts and eye watering is observed.

However, this picture can lead to a more serious picture other than eye watering. Unless the fluid in the tear sac is drained, it causes an infection. In this process, the sac swells and redness and swelling occur at the root of the nose. Lacrimal sac inflammation adversely affects the success of the surgery and visual functions, and absolute correction is required. At this stage, the infection is combated by giving oral or intravenous antibiotics. After the acute period regresses, surgery is performed due to lacrimal sac obstruction.

Dr. The 3 most frequently asked questions to Onur Konuk about lacrimal sac inflammations.

1. Does lacrimal sac inflammation always occur in lacrimal duct obstruction?

No. However, this risk is always present, but its time and form cannot be predicted. The success of the lacrimal sac surgery is negatively affected by the inflammatory attacks that develop in the lacrimal sac. Therefore, performing this surgery without any inflammation is necessary for better surgical results. With eye drop treatments, tear duct obstruction does not improve, this unnecessarily prolongs the treatment process and adversely affects the treatment conditions.

2. Does lacrimal sac inflammation recur after canal surgery?

If the surgery due to lacrimal duct obstruction is done properly and the surgery is successful, it will not be repeated. However, recurrence is common as a result of unsuccessful root canal surgeries.

3. When is lacrimal duct obstruction surgery performed if there is inflammation of the sac?

Under ideal conditions, it is appropriate to perform this surgery after the inflammation of the pouch has passed. However, in some conditions, this inflammatory picture cannot be regressed and it may be necessary to undergo surgery under these conditions. It is advantageous to prefer endoscopic intervention for this surgery.