Wrinkles on the face and around the eyes are one of the most obvious signs of aging facial skin. With age, our skin becomes thinner and loses its contents such as water and collagen. Although this process varies in line with the genetic characteristics and nutritional habits of the person, with the effect of environmental factors such as the sun, cigarettes or various drugs, it is a continuous process.
The muscle groups in the face area are one of the muscle groups that we use very intensely in our daily lives. These mimic muscles on our face form the basis of facial expression. We express our joy, sadness, happiness, anger, excitement and resentment by using our facial mimic muscles. Daily activities such as talking, laughing and frowning cause dynamic facial lines. The changes that occur with age on the skin, over the years, these dynamic lines turn into more permanent and static lines that appear when we do not use mimics.
Botulinum Toxin is a neurotoxin derived from Clostridium botulinum bacteria. If appropriate areas are injected at appropriate doses, it temporarily prevents the contraction of the relevant muscle group. The most common usage areas of the drug are the upper third of the face to remove wrinkles around the eyes. It is used in the treatment of forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet, skin wrinkles between eyebrows. Further applications include the treatment of wrinkles in the entire face and neck area. It is effective in the treatment of lower lid wrinkles, eyebrow lift, lip wrinkles, chin wrinkles, nasal side wrinkles and wrinkles between the nose and lip in these areas.
Botulinum toxin applications are a safe and effective method that can be technically applied directly and gives satisfactory results within 3-7 days. In addition, its disadvantage is that its effect decreases and disappears within 3-6 months. Therefore the application requires repetition.
The most common complications are local bleeding, pain and headache at the injection site. Lower lid, double vision, drooping lip edge can be observed less frequently than at the injection site. These tables usually disappear completely as drug efficacy decreases and heal without sequelae. Drug administration is not applied to pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Dr. The 3 most frequently asked questions to Onur Konuk about Botulinum Toxin applications:
1.Is botulinum toxin application a painful procedure?
Drug injections are made with very thin special needles to the thin subcutaneous muscle structures of the face. Therefore, anesthesia is not required in most cases. However, injection applications can be preferred after local cream and anesthesia or ice applications.
2.Do botulinum toxin applications fix my facial wrinkles permanently?
The effectiveness period of botulinum toxin applications is expected to be between 3-6. In this process, application dose, application area, personal factors are effective. In addition, there are cases where the application doses and application intervals decrease with repeated applications. However, scientifically, the effectiveness and application principle of the drug do not include continuous treatment conditions.
3. When should botulinum toxin be administered to prevent wrinkles around the face?
Botulinum toxin is applied to correct dynamic lines and static lines on our face. Dynamic lines are wrinkles that appear with our facial expressions. Static lines are wrinkles that exist even though our face does not move. The ideal approach is to treat dynamic lines without creating static lines in the age-related process. This process varies according to the skin characteristics of the person, eating habits, smoking and environmental factors. The average thirties are a suitable timing for botulinum toxin applications.