Orbita is a limited space (eye socket) surrounded by bony walls containing the organ of the eye. If this area becomes infected for various reasons, the infection progresses rapidly and causes vision loss in the eye immediately inside. In our country, orbital infection often develops with nose, sinusitis or trauma. Orbital infection is characterized by eye redness, swelling, anterior protrusion of the eye, double vision and pain. It is important in terms of protecting eye functions. In most cases, it is necessary to use high-dose and strong antibiotics intravenously and orally. In this process, examinations such as hospitalization, additional orbitatomography or MR imaging may be required. In some cases, there is no adequate response to antibiotic treatment and surgical intervention may be required. This is usually the cases in which orbitada abscess has developed in advanced cases and the visual function is in danger. Apart from orbital infections, edema and inflammation may develop in the orbit sometimes without any factor. In these cases, there is often an underlying structural (autoimmune) disease. Although it is frequently seen in rheumatic diseases, the first symptom may appear as inflammation in the eye without any complaints in the body. In these cases, a serious body scan is required after a detailed eye examination.
Dr. The 3 most frequently asked questions to Onur Konuk about orbital infections and inflammation:
1. I have redness and pain in my eye. Could it be an orbital infection?
Orbital infections should not be confused with eye infections. The white membrane (conjunctiva) on the surface of the eye is often examined under simple eye infections and is defined as conjunctivitis. These are partly simpler infections (See conjunctival infections). Orbital infection is a more serious infection of the orbital socket at the back of the eye that can result in loss of vision or even death. Its findings include red eye, but it is characterized by pain, diplopia, eyelid edema, and anterior protrusion of the eye. Detailed eye examination is required to distinguish this picture.
2. Is cortisone treatment necessary in the treatment of orbital inflammation?
Intravenous high-dose cortisone can be used for the treatment of orbital inflammation that is not related to infection. For this, after a detailed systemic examination and eye examination, the presence of a condition that prevents treatment is examined. Cortisone treatment may not be given in diseases such as liver disorders, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, stomach ulcers, and severe osteoporosis. The effects and side effects of this treatment should be evaluated by an experienced oculoplastic surgeon.
3. My child had eyelid redness. I thought it developed because of the flu. Now his lids are more swollen and he has pain in his eye. Could it be an orbital infection?
Infection of the upper respiratory tract in children can affect the eyelids and the orbit via the sinuses. In children, conversion from valvular inflammation to orbital infection develops much faster than in adults. For this reason, these children are followed closely, sometimes it may be necessary to keep them in the hospital under observation and to give antibiotic treatment. For this reason, it is necessary to follow the instructions of your eye doctor first.