The most common finding in eye involvement due to guarta in Turkey is retraction of the upper lid of the eye. In addition, some patients may also experience retraction in the lower lid. This picture often presents as eye dislocation. Overwork in the thyroid gland overstimulates the muscles that open the lid, and the lid involuntarily opens too much. This picture can cause cosmetic complaints as well as cause the eye to stay open at night while sleeping, causing vision loss, redness, stinging and itching in the eye. This picture may heal on its own after the thyroid tests have improved, but if there is still a valve patency after the thyroid function tests are normal, it should be corrected surgically.
Dr. The 3 most frequently asked questions to Onur Konuk about valve retraction and surgery:
1. Is valve surgery a difficult operation for the patient like orbitadecompression?
No. This technique also has its own subtleties. Here, too, the goal is to provide a symmetrical lid appearance in both eyes as much as possible. It is a little more difficult to achieve this in unilateral involvement. However, in the end, this surgery is a day surgery performed under local anesthesia. About 1 week off work is sufficient.
2. If valve surgery is more practical for me, is it okay if I have valve surgery instead of decompression?
Lid surgery does not correct the dislocation of the eye in a patient with a dislocation of the eye. In addition, as a rule, orbital surgery should be performed first in patients who require decompression. Because with decompression surgery, when the eye is pulled inward, the lid level also changes and this affects the surgery.
3. Wouldn’t it be better if I had my valve surgery done under general anesthesia?
Under general anesthesia, valve surgeries are performed only in cases of necessity. These are pediatric patients, mentally incompetent or patients with phobias. We do not want to administer drugs to other organs of the body with anesthetic agents during valve surgery. In addition, since the consciousness is in place during the operation with local anesthesia, we can examine the valve positions by looking up and down during the operation, and in this way, we can ensure the symmetry of the valve position with the other valve.